Jun 20, 2023
What can college esport teams do to blunt harassment against female players and make esports more inclusive? Are they in a unique position to help solve these problems in esports? We chat with representatives from Kean University about their attempts to make their own esport teams more inclusive to women.
Theresa Lee is a returning student in her 40’s, who majors in Environmental science and Drones, and is the captain of the Hearthstone team.
Joseph Sarnoski is Kean University's eSports program director. In addition to gaming, Joe is a professor of Environmental and Sustainability Sciences at Kean where he runs their drone piloting and applications program.
Kelly Williams is Director of Athletics at Kean University. His 28-year + career includes both coaching and athletic administrative experience, including serving as the head men’s basketball coach and as the Senior Associate Director of Athletics at The College of New Jersey.
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Hosted by Shlomo Sher, Ph.D. and Andy Ashcraft
Production by Carmen Elena Mitchell
Music and graphics by Daniel Sher