Mar 27, 2023
Games are supposed to be fun and playing in a historical setting or replaying historical events can be really fun. But when does the use of history become morally problematic by misrepresenting that history, leaving out alternative perspectives, or failing to communicate to the player when the game is or is not meant to be historically accurate?
Our guest for this episode is Dr. Bram De Ridder - a postdoctoral researcher in applied history at the University of Leuven, Belgium. He has performed extensive research into the topics of public and applied history, and has advised numerous organizations on how to better use the past. His research has also studied how game developers and gamers relate to the past, leading him to found Sunken Tower, a history and game design company. Currently, he mainly plays Crusader Kings III, attempting to turn the Dukes of Brabant into the leading European power.
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Hosted by Shlomo Sher, Ph.D. and Andy Ashcraft
Production by Carmen Elena Mitchell
Music and graphics by Daniel Sher