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Ethics and Video Games Podcast

Oct 11, 2022

We’re always interested in the way that video games depict us.  One topic that we think has got too little attention is that of how games depict madness, mental illness, insanity….  We chat about the ways video games approach madness, common gaming tropes about madness and psychiatric institutions.


Our guest, Stefan Heinrich Simond, is a game studies scholar from Germany. He hosts a weekly podcast on game studies and video game culture, called Studying Pixels. He teaches at Philipps University Marburg and University of Wuppertal and is currently working on his PhD dissertation on madness in video games. In 2020, he co-published an anthology on illnesses in video games, titled Krankheit in Digitalen Spielen (open access available).



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Hosted by Shlomo Sher, Ph.D. and Andy Ashcraft

Production by Carmen Elena Mitchell

Music and graphics by Daniel Sher